A Happy & Healthy Team
That Will Cost You Less

Here’s How Antara’s Health Navigation Can Make a Difference


Contain Premium Escalation

  • Antara’s service addresses the impact of adverse scheme performance on premium escalation
  • Health Navigation improves scheme performance by:
    – Rationalizing usage
    – Delivering better health outcomes

Antara handles your team’s health needs, so you won’t have to

  • Team health issues can be a strain on human resources
  • Dedicated Antara Nurses serve as your team’s first and ongoing port of call, for all health matters great and small

A happy, healthy team helps your bottom line

  • Less Absent - Antara saves trips to the clinic and keeps your team in better health
  • Less turnover related to healthcare - don’t lose your best staff-members to avoidable health issues
  • More productive - fewer staff working at less than 100% due to health reasons

Company Health Reports

  • Antara uses data-driven analysis to provide reports on employee health
  • Includes progress and evidence based recommendations employers can use to improve the health of their employee pool


“Antara has already helped one of our pre-diabetic staff better understand his situation such that he lost enough weight to no longer be at risk. This improves his health AND saves our business from lost time, productivity, and all the stresses that come along with that for our team. Our entire team loves Antara's approach, their 24/7 availability and quality of care. We'll be lifelong customers.”

- CEO, Antara Corporate Customer